Main content starts here, tab to start navigatingSo who was Rose?
Rose was Chef Aaron's grandmother. The youngest of 11. And the only one to be born in the United States after her parents emigrated from London. Rose was an avid cook, a host, a writer of poetry and plays, a piano player, PTO president of her synagogue, a commercial bakery owner (she sold 10 cent pastries out of her tiny home kitchen) and much more. She and her husband Art entertained and loved to throw dinner parties. Her signature dish was Cornish hen stuffed with wild rice and dinner always started with cocktails at the drop door bar in their classic 60's style all blue den.
(From left to right: Art, my father Don, and Rose. Circa 1960)
In the spirit of these intimate and personal dinner parties (that I never got to attend)...I'm throwing my own. Entertaining in the way I imagine Rose would - fun, fancy and most importantly, surrounded by good company.